Wanted Movie with Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy, & Morgan Freeman

. Sunday, June 29, 2008
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I watched Wanted on friday at 10pm. We were going to go a 7:45pm showing, but ended up being late because of slow-ass waiters from I-Hop.
I did not expect too much going into this movie. I thought, ok the movie could be good because Morgan Freeman & James McAvoy are in it and they make good movies. But, Angelina Jolie doesn't always make consistenly good movies (I'm thinking of Troy...bad...). I liked her in Hackers, Girl, Interrupted, & Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Well, I guess she's in pretty good ones...she's just done some bad ones that stay in my brain though. Besides the quality of movies, my friends and I were watching it because of Angelina Jolie & James McAvoy. More for Angelina Jolie than James McAvoy if you wanna know. lol. Though, James McAvoy had that one shirtless scene...
Anyways, I really liked the movie. It entertained 'til the end without a slow moment. Going into the movie, I knew it was most likely just an action movie, which it was. It was made kinda differently than the typical movie though. I mean right from the start of the movie it had some dry comedy and unrealistic bullet shooting. Plus, one of the assassination's jumped out of a building into the building across while simultaneously taking out several other men (sorta of like a Shoot 'Em Up type movie). I pretty much knew not to take our reality into the movie and ask how can that possibly happen?
To sum it up, I liked it, but my friends didn't seem as into it. I also browsed the imdb forum and there seemed to be plenty of people who just didn't like it. So it seems like one of those movies where you either like it or don't like it.


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